Monday, March 9, 2020

Being a Music Fan During ..... a Pandemic and You’d Give Anything to Able to Yell at Someone For Talking During the Show

For(c) Lance Mercer
This post, formerly known as Being a Music Fan During a Global Health Emergency has been updated to reflect how many of us feel.
Maybe saying that'd I'd give anything to yell at someone talking too loud during a show is a bit of desperation. First of all, thank you to all of the artists that are putting on music for us daily. We need each other in this relationship to keep our heads above water. 

For you the reader, I hope you and your family and friends are healthy and secure during these very trying times. To our healthcare professionals, first responders, and front line workers: 

To our artists, we cannot wait until the days when we can cram into venues and sing with you at the top of our lungs. Hopefully we're buying merch to help you out. We cannot thank you enough for the wonderful and creative collaborative dance mash-ups, afternoon concerts, and day-long show streaming to keep our homes filled with our favorite chords and lyrics.

We know you've had to cancel shows and return ticket money. But you've also had to home school your kids and take care of your loved ones. Please continue to let us know how we can help you. 

We've also lost some music legends these past weeks, making this time even more meaningful to come together in song. 

Stay healthy, safe, resilient, and kind
We'll see you at the show. 

Singing from the windows
voices outside and no one knows
singing from the windows
we'll get going again

Being a Music Fan During a Global Health Emergency  (March 9, 200
Again, here in Seattle what we are witnessing we would not wish for anyone. What we do wish for the rest of the country is that they can avoid the harsh negative effects of this and retain their sense of community and take care of one another. Just as we look forward to our next concerts and the ability to gather together and play loud songs as energized as ever.
We are so sorry…
And deeply upset..
If anyone out there feels the same based on this news, we share that emotion with you.
- Ed & Pearl Jam~

Besides the immediate reaction of "I get it" to all of the bands and festivals that are postponing or canceling due to Covid 19, an underlying theme has been ... but I really needed your show. The joy we get coming together en masse to hear music and sing loud is what everyone is saying we should not do at this time. And for our most vulnerable and to not make the spread of any illness in our communitintes is the correct action to take at this time. 
(c) Tara Foto
But, selfishly, what do we, the music fans do? A dear friend suggested bands do FM radio shows like in the 90's. Another mentioned lots of streaming options be made available to shows or Unplugged or Storytellers like events. We Need Music. Especially those who are working tirelessness during this time, or even those who are isolated or quartntined. Music is our healing. Music is our medicine. 

In light of SXSW cancelling and possibly Coachella, and Pearl Jam postponing their tour, the evident impact is economic: for the band, the community, the businesses, and possibly the fans. The cascading impact of such decisions will be felt for a while. 

As made clear in Pearl Jam's announcement, it is also the unknown lack of solid and clear guidance that led to this decision - so it's time the action rests upon the masses to be responsible and protect the communities that gather to enjoy music.

(c) PMCarlson
And what do the artists do? The economic impact and logistical nightmare of canceling and postponing shows or entire festivals is and will be crippling to some. Supporting your artists by buying their albums and merch, and then making sure you support their live efforts after all of this is said and done. 

In the meantime, we should all remember to be there for each other, pass along facts and share vetted information, and look after those in our music family that can be impacted by COVID. We should also keep an eye out for those impacted by the sheer overwhelming everywhere of this in the news. All of this all of the time can be too much for some. 

That's where we come in. Get your 90's cassette mixed tape talents out and go to town on some mixed-tape Spotify lists for friends. 
If you're all healthy, go check out some music in a local pub or venue. Invite friends over to stream a couch tour of your favorite band - please don't charge them for drinks and food. 

When this is all over, think about the amazing feeling of standing in a venue, surrounded by those you've never met - but have so much in common because "it's your band". Singing those lyrics together at the top of your lungs, feeling the energy of being one collectively in this most amazing family who loves music, who breathes and wants and needs those special moments when it feels like you're alone and it's just you and the band - singing a song like they wrote it just for you!

 \mm/  Rage, Rest, Wash Your Hands    \mm/

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