Watch out for music. It should come with a health warning. It can be dangerous. It can make you feel so alive, so connected to the people around you, and connected to what you really are inside. And it can make you think that the world should, and could, be a much better place. And just occasionally, it can make you very, very happy. ~ Peter Gabriel
Years ago, I disowned the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for their disregard of the fans. The real reason was KISS. A band that inspired so many artists that were already in the Hall was denied again and again. Upon hearing the ceremony would be in Brooklyn, I was slightly jealous. When I heard that KISS was finally going to be inducted - there was not stopping me from going.
Do I still have problems with the Hall? YES! They are like people who have money and buy tickets to shows and talk the entire time because they don't care about the music they are seeing. But I hope that this year is a turning point. This year's induction really was about the fans. And not just the in the audience fans; the show allowed the musicians who were fans to induct their influences into the Hall.
For me, this was truly a lifelong dream. I'd always heard about the Induction, watched it on TV, dreamed of being there. I live and breathe music. Music is my life and I could not imagine a day without it. To be in the same room with bands and artists I grew up listening to and were influenced by is a moment of my life I will never forget.
The show itself was so very tightly scripted as there was no waiting between inductions and performances; if there was we would have been there until 5am. The sound at the Barclays is always great and Thursday night was no different. Special shout out to the technicians and crew for a well orchestrated show.
I knew immediately it was a rock and roll party when I heard this announcement: To get everyone into their seats, the bars will close until 7:05. Thank you, please make your way to your seats.
Brian Epstein and Andrew Long Oldham, managers for the Beatles and The Rolling Stones respectively were inducted first. "Finally somebody to bring the Beatles and the Stones fans together in glorious harmony, "Asher said to the reporters. "The Hatfield and McCoys of rock and Roll."
Without a pause, Peter Gabriel hit the stage with Digging in the Dirt following his video history. Sad not to hear Mercy Street, as that is my favorite song, but I digress.
Chris Martin of Coldplay inducted Peter. Chris' speech was simply brilliant: I didn't know how to start, so my mom always told me to look to the Bible. I'd like to start by reading from the Book of Genesis ...And Phil Collins said unto him, 'Who are you oh angel?' And the angel replied 'I am Gabriel. I bring you this good news. I am going solo. Ye, shall be the singer of Genesis.' Chris is a genuine fan of Peter's, confirmed by the story of when he listened to Us on cassette while lost in Paris as a young school kid.
There was a general theme of everyone's speeches. Music is happiness, a community, and such a large part of who we are. Peter reflected greatly on what influence music had in his life and on all of us.
Then, we got some more music from him. Washing of the Water was first and Chris Martin joined Peter in singing it. Talk about the ultimate fan dream. What came next was, I think, on everyone's wish list for the night. In Your Eyes with Yousou N’Dour was possibly the most energetic performance of the night and we were only getting started.
They were the reason I was sitting in the building. This was the band that influenced so many already in the hall. It was beyond time for them to be inducted: 28 Gold records, over 100 million albums sold, and a fan base known simply as the Kiss Army.
Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine, a super Kiss Army fan, was the perfect choice to induct Kiss. His speech was filled with humble reverence for Kiss. The honor to induct them must have been incredible!

sexifying kabuki make up. All of them in black and silver warrior bondage gear and 7 inch platform heels. The place blowing up with explosions, screeching with sirens, raining confetti, all to the pounding soundtrack of bareknuckle badass heavy duty liberating rock and roll. What would you say if you saw THAT? You’d say, 'That band’s fucking AWESOME and deserves to be in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame!!' That’s what you’d say. ~Tom Morello
For the fans, it was nice that the members played nice. Gene Simmons thanked everyone, including Paul Stanley, calling him the brother I never knew I had. It was Paul Stanley that would openly criticize the Hall, [Fans] don't want to be spoon fed by a handful of people choices. The people pay for the tickets, the people buy albums, the people who nominate don't. Let's not forget that these are the people who make it all possible. We just benefit from it.
Cat Stevens
What I like about Cat / Yusuf is that he put fame aside and did what his heart wanted. But, I am selfish and very thankful that he realized how much music and fame was a part of him - and that he could still influence people without sacrificing his principles.
Linda Ronstadt
So how do you honor a woman who has influenced so many other women to get out there and work until their dreams are realized? You invite epic talent in the form of five beautiful women with powerful voices and careers to sing Linda's songs. Carrie Underwood, Emmylou Harris, Bonnie Raitt, Sheryl Crowe, and Stevie Nicks became a super group of female singing legends.

Carrie Underwood: Different Drum
Bonnie Raitt and Emmylou Harris: Blue Bayou
Sheryl Crow: You’re No Good
Stevie Nicks: It’s So Easy
Underwood, Raitt, Harris, Crow, and Nicks: When Will I Be Loved
Bruce Springsteen and The E-Street Band
Art Garfunkel was a surprise, but then I realized what great respect he had for his friend Yusuf: The most sincere seeker, a loving man with an ever-expanding embrace, my friend Yusuf Islam, the artist we call Cat Stevens.
Warm and happy applause welcomed Yusuf back into the spotlight. He was humble, gracious and surprised that he actually was standing on the same stage that Kiss was just moments earlier. [He] doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t throw televisions out of hotel rooms and only sleeps with his wife,” Islam said. “I’d say it was a very brave decision — and one which was unexpected and strangely, outrageously rock & roll. Peace. Mid-speech, a man walked to the stage and handed Yusef a glass of water. Making the night even more remarkable, that man was Bill Murray.
Linda Ronstadt
My father loved Linda Ronstadt. My father would have LOVED this performance. Glenn Frey inducted Linda into the Hall as a friend of the legend who was unable to attend due to her ongoing battle with Parkinson's Disease. Linda covered so many genres of music over her career, from country-rock, jazz, and even Spanish. Her influence reached many women who would go on to have very successful careers of their own.
Linda Ronstadt recorded 31 albums. She sold over 100 million records and had a career that spanned five decades. She has been a shining example and a true inspiration to every woman who ever stood in front of a microphone and sang her heart out. And through it all, she remains nothing but authentic. You see, Linda lives in a place where art trumps commerce, where self-exploration trumps self-exploitation, where hard work and integrity trump fame and failure. She never wanted to be a star, she just wanted to make good music. ~Glenn Frey
So how do you honor a woman who has influenced so many other women to get out there and work until their dreams are realized? You invite epic talent in the form of five beautiful women with powerful voices and careers to sing Linda's songs. Carrie Underwood, Emmylou Harris, Bonnie Raitt, Sheryl Crowe, and Stevie Nicks became a super group of female singing legends.

Carrie Underwood: Different Drum
Bonnie Raitt and Emmylou Harris: Blue Bayou
Sheryl Crow: You’re No Good
Stevie Nicks: It’s So Easy
Underwood, Raitt, Harris, Crow, and Nicks: When Will I Be Loved
Bruce Springsteen and The E-Street Band

before, something that he and Steven Van Zandt still find it difficult to speak about. But Thursday night, Bruce welcomed his band into the hall. And with age comes wisdom and the ability to acknowledge bumps in the road along the way. What also happens is the realization that without the E Street Band, Bruce Springsteen may have never happened.
So, real bands — real bands are made primarily from the neighborhood. From a real time and real place that exists for a little while, then changes and is gone forever. They’re made from the same circumstances, the same needs, the same hungers, culture. They’re forged in the search of something more pro
mising than what you were born into. These are the elements, the tools, and these are the people who built the place called E Street...But that is the hallmark of a rock and roll band — the narrative you tell together is bigger than anyone could have told on your own. That’s the Rolling Stones; the Sex Pistols; that’s Bob Marley and the Wailers. That’s James Brown and His Famous Flames. That’s Neil Young and Crazy Horse... I told a story with the E Street Band that was and is bigger than anything I could have told on my own.~ Bruce SpringsteenHall & Oates
It was nothing but love for Philly when Questlove inducted Hall and Oates. He remembered the first time he heard Hall and Oates - She's Gone in 1974. Questlove was another example of fan inducting the musicians that inspired him.
A very anxious Daryl Hall and thankful John Oates quickly thanked family, friends, and Philly.
And speaking of Philadelphia, you know, I did some research, and did you know that we’re the only homegrown Philadelphia band that’s been put in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Now, I’m not saying that because I’m proud of it — I’m saying that because it’s fucked up. What happened to Todd Rundgren? The Stylistics? The Delfonics? Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes? Len Barry? Chubby Checker? How about the biggest single in the history of the world? Chubby Checker. Why isn’t he in? You guys tell me. I’m calling everybody out. That’s all I got to say. I wanna go play. ~Daryl Hall
And play they did. She’s Gone, I Can’t Go For That, and You Make My Dreams took us back to the 80's. For me, I Can't Go For That took me back to the days of waiting for Hall and Oates songs on the radio so I could hit record and proceed creating a my magical mixed tape.
While the other bands and artists inducted are so much a part of my childhood, it was Nirvana that musically told the story of who I was at 13. I was angry, sad, lost, didn't want to wear dresses, and very introspective. Bands like Slaughter and Poison were too happy and dying out. Metallica and the Chili Peppers made do with their new albums, but when we all first saw the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit, nothing would ever be the same. It was okay to be angry, to hate the system, wear Docs, and do anything that went against the grain of popularity. As I look back, kind of like the hipters, grunge killed itself because the outsiders became insiders. Someone like Kurt Cobain could not accept that, but someone like Dave Grohl could.
Michael Stipe, close friend of Kurt and Frances Bean's godfather, gave a very eloquent speech about what Nirvana was - not who they were, but what they were.
Lyrically exposing our frailty, our frustrations, our shortcomings. Singing of retreat and acceptance over triumphs of an outsider community with such immense possibility, stymied or ignored, but not held down or held back by the stupidity and political pettiness of the times. They spoke truth, and a lot of people listened.
They picked up the mantle in that particular battle, but they were singular, and loud, and melodic, and deeply original. And that voice. That voice. Kurt, we miss you. I miss you.
Nirvana defined a moment, a movement for outsiders: for the fags; for the fat girls; for the broken toys; the shy nerds; the Goth kids from Tennessee and Kentucky; for the rockers and the awkward; for the fed-up; the too-smart kids and the bullied. We were a community, a generation — in Nirvana’s case, several generations — in the echo chamber of that collective howl, and Allen Ginsberg would have been very proud, here. ~ Michael Stipe
Dave, Krist, Courtney Love and Kurt's mother took the stage to overwhelming applause. Most of us waited to see what Courtney would do. Dave thanked the drummers who came before him and the punk music that drove him to do what he loved. He also thanked his family and gave advice to those who look up to artists such as himself:
Most of all, I have to thank my family because I was lucky enough to grow up in a musical family and in an environment that encouraged music. Parents that never told me not to listen to fucking Slayer, you know what I mean? I listened to some really, really fucked-up shit! But my parents never told me not to, because I was finding myself. So Mom — thanks. Thanks for letting me drop out of high school [laughs, points at trophy]. Kids, stay in school, don’t do drugs — it’s a bad idea.
I have to thank my beautiful wife, Jordyn, and my two daughters, who I hope grow up to inspire people just like every musician I grew up inspired by. Because I think that’s the deal — you look up to your heroes and you shouldn’t be intimidated by them; you should be inspired by them. Don’t look up at the poster on your wall and think, "Fuck, I can never do that." Look at the poster on your wall and think, "Fuck, I’m going to do that!"
Krist Novaselic and Wendy Cobain both reflected on Kurt. Very touching to see how much one man can influence so many.
And Courtney threw her speech away and hugged Dave. I hope it was real - for Kurt's sake.
And to end the night, a spectacular trip into Nirvana history with four wonderful women fronting Nirvana: Joan Jett (Smells Like Teen Spirit), Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon (Aneurysm), St. Vincent's Annie Clark (Lithium), and Lorde (All Apologies). All three choices were absolutely perfect, Lorde especially. I truly feel Lorde embodies the same anti-establishment that Kurt did. I also hope that she overcomes the urge to fight it and overcome it gracefully because she does have a great career ahead of her.
You know I have my wish list of who I want to see inducted - so here we go: Stevie Ray Vaughan, Alice in Chains (eligible in 2015), TRex, Lou Reed, Warren Zevon, the B-52's, Motely Crue, Dire Straits, Sugarhill Gang, Deep Purple, Chicago, The Cure, Depeche Mode ... you get it. I believe that the fans and the musicians should get the vote. Kiss, the Stylistics, and Chubby Checker influenced artists. They pioneered their craft. Those are the ones who deserve to be in the Hall.
I feel incredible blessed and fortunate to have been able to attend what felt like a family affair. Music lovers speak the same language, finish each other's sentences, and can understand music as if it is an extension of their own soul. It is a beautiful thing and I cannot agree with Peter Gabriel more: It can make you feel so alive, so connected to the people around you, and connected to what you really are inside.
Paula - this is my first time visiting your blog and this was amazing! I feel like I got an inside seat, and I have to tell you I agree with what a lot of what you said. Dave Grohl is right on. Thanks for sharing your experience! - Nalana
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous recap of what sounds like was a fabulous night! I heart Peter Gabriel and Hall and Oates and while I'm not a Nirvana fan, Dave Grohl is pretty amazing. What a great night!